Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Daily Updates


Day 27 September 2016

Books Reading: 1

Books Listening To: 1

Pages Read: 80

Chapters Listened  -  Finished

Total Books Read: 3

Total Pages Read: 388

Finished Books: 3

pic and description taken from Goodreads


Naomi Bowes lost her innocence the night she followed her father into the woods. In freeing the girl trapped in the root cellar, Naomi revealed the horrible extent of her father’s crimes and made him infamous.

Now a successful photographer living under the name Naomi Carson, she has found a place that calls to her, thousands of miles away from everything she’s ever known. Naomi wants to embrace the solitude, but the residents of Sunrise Cove keep forcing her to open up—especially the determined Xander Keaton.

Naomi can feel her defenses failing, and knows that the connection her new life offers is something she’s always secretly craved. But as she’s learned time and again, her past is never more than a nightmare away.


Well, this is my second novel by Nora Roberts, and I have to say she is a fantastic writer.  This book was so hard to quit listening to.

This time we get to live through the life of Naomi, who at the age of 11 yrs old, saved a girl from a basement.

Naomi saw her father go into the woods to go cool off by the water.  Or so she thought.  What she found, was her dad going in the opposite direction to a broken down shack in the woods.  Only, he didn't even go in the shack.....Instead he oped a trap door to a bunker underground.  Naomi knew that if her father knew she was there she would be in a lot of trouble.  She kept quiet, and waited.  She thought her dad was putting her birthday present together.  While she waits in the woods, she knows she should head back home, but when her  dad emerged from the bunker Naomi noticed his eyes, and realized they were not the eyes of her father.

Naomi waits and waits, but cannot seem to pry herself from her spot.  She just needed to check to see if her bike was down there.  When she opened the bunker she heard some whimpering and she got excited.  Maybe her dad finally gave in and got her a puppy for her birthday.  What she saw was definitely not a dog.  It was a woman begging for help.

Living in a town where everyone knows everyone, Naomi, her brother, and mother quickly found out that being the family of a serial killer was no picnic.

I don't want to give anything away.  This is the beginning of the book. Seriously it only gets better from there.  Or more creepy from there!  Audio started and just a few minutes in I am good and hooked.  I haven't stop listening except for when I was sleeping.

Roberts is an excellent writer.  I have really enjoyed both books I have read of hers.  I cannot wait to get my hands on more.

If you like mystery, intrigue, and romance, this is the book for you.

Source:  I bought this audio book for myself.  I was not compensated in any way for this review.  These are my own PERSONAL views on the book.

Content: some language, and some sex.  Some of the sex was explicit, and some was fade to black.





Nora Roberts
pic and bio taken from Goodreads

Nora Roberts was born in Silver Spring, Maryland. She began writing when a blizzard in February 1979 kept her in her hilltop home with a three and six year old for nearly a week of canceled kindergarten and dwindling chocolate supplies. 

During the now-famous blizzard, she pulled out a pencil and notebook and began to write a story for her own entertainment. From the first page, she knew it was what she was meant to do. Several manuscripts and rejections later, Irish Thoroughbred was published by Silhouette in 1981.

The Liar, published in April 2015 by Putnam, is her 214th book. She hit the NY Times Bestseller list in 1991. Every book since 1999 has made that list.

Recently The New Yorker called her “America’s favorite novelist."

In 1995, she began writing a police procedural series featuring Eve Dallas, a NY homicide cop, and set in the near future under the J.D. Robb pseudonym. Devoted in Death, out in September 2015, is the 41st entry in the series.


  1. You are doing so good with this challenge Becca! I love Roberts PNRs but for some reason I struggle with her romances. I should give this one a try though, it sounds great.

    1. I haven't read one that is just romance yet, I am afraid it would be too much. I've only read her two mystery ones and they are fabulous!

  2. This is a good one! Which ones did you read? I'm trying to decide which one to buy next :)

  3. I am so happy you are reading Roberts. I love her romantic suspenses. Just keep reading :)
