pic and description taken from Goodreads
From brave and bold to creative and clever, the rhythmic rhyme expresses all the loving things that parents think of when they look at their children. With beautiful, and sometimes humorous, illustrations, and a clever gatefold with kids in costumes, this is a book grown-ups will love reading over and over to kids—both young and old. A great gift for any occasion, but a special stand-out for baby showers, birthdays, and graduation. The Wonderful Things You Will Be has a loving and truthful message that will endure for lifetimes.
This sweet children's book is so fantastic. Every child, mother, grandmother and person, needs a copy of this book. This is definitely one that I will buy for my collection.
This is such a sweet story about just how important each and every child is. No matter what life brings you to be who you are and enjoy who you are.
Such a loving, and compelling story. This might go up as one of my all time favorite Children's books. So, so sweet.
I cannot wait until I have grand kids to read this to over and over.
Source: I read this while at Barnes and Noble. I was not compensated in any way for this review. These are my own PERSONAL thoughts on the book.

pic and bio taken from Goodreads
Emily Winfield Martin makes paintings, books, and other things. She is the author and illustrator of Day Dreamers (forthcoming, 2014), Dream Animals (2013), Oddfellow's Orphanage (2012) and The Black Apple's Paper Doll Primer (2010). When she was small, she spent every moment drawing, reading, dressing rabbits in fancy clothes, and having many peculiar daydreams. When she grew up, she began to illustrate those peculiar daydreams, and after college, she created a cottage industry called The Black Apple, which sells all manner of art and etceteras.
She works in a tiny nook of a studio filled with old children's books, wind-up toys, and stacks of fabric. Her work is inspired by fairy tales, music, myths, carnivals, children's books from the late 19th through mid 20th century, her favorite films, and autobiography.
She likes bears and sea monsters and seashell pink poppies. She lives and works among the giant fir trees of Portland, OR.
She works in a tiny nook of a studio filled with old children's books, wind-up toys, and stacks of fabric. Her work is inspired by fairy tales, music, myths, carnivals, children's books from the late 19th through mid 20th century, her favorite films, and autobiography.
She likes bears and sea monsters and seashell pink poppies. She lives and works among the giant fir trees of Portland, OR.
Sound great. I may have to get a copy for any future grandkids that may come.